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This is a worth learning list of irregular verbs so that you can manage to build up as many verb tenses and structures as possible.

Use the previous list to do the exercises and memorise the irregular verbs. Then try to do the same exercises without the help of the list.

Verb tenses

To be - Complete with the most adequate forms of the verb to be by looking at the pictures. Make sure you use the negative when necessary.

To be - Complete with the most adequate forms of the verb to be by using the comprehension of the family vocabulary and the saxon genitive. Make sure you use the negative when necessary. 

Present Simple and Frequency Adverbs.

Wide range of exercises of diferent types to practice the basics of the present simple and the use of frequency adverbs.

Present perfect simple.

Here you have some exercises to get the basic mechanics of the present perfect structures. 

Structures and Miscellany

Miscellaneous error correction exercise.


Dear Daady: Listen and order the letter of a daughter-to-be to her dad. It includes delicate material about violence aganist women.

Toby The Devil: Enjoy Rowan Atkinson show first part. Listen to the Devil's welcome to hell. List the groups and complete the texts. 


Dear Daady: Read a the letter of a daughter-to-be to her dad. It includes delicate material about violence aganist women.Then write a text according to the plan


Past simple. Here you have summary of MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM and some comprehension and expression activities to do.

Past simple. Read the piece of news and answer the questions.

Past simple. Read "THE TWO BOXES" in British Myths and Legends by Julie Hart. (Burlington Readers) and answer the questions.

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